Workshops to Go!
Want to attend a workshop but can't because of other obligations. Now you can order some of my workshops online; check out which ones are available.
You will receive the complete workshop on mp3 files (which you can download onto your computer) and all the written materials via email. And you will be able to email me with your questions after you have listened to the workshop!
Gem & Crystal Workshop
Curious about gems and crystals?
Gems and crystals are powerful!
They have scientific and metaphysical healing potential.
My workshop will teach you how to use gemstones and crystals to heal and enhance your energy and your spirituality.
You will also learn Chakra basics and the benefits of gemstones and crystals for the purpose of improving and healing these powerful energy centers (chakras).
This will be an enlightening, fun workshop, I know you won't want to miss!
Fee $65.00
After you have listened to the workshop please email me if you have any questions.
For more information please:
802-860-2995 or
To order click on the paypal link.
If you would like a "workshop to go" please prepay in person with check or cash or for those clients who are long distance or wish to pay with a credit/debit card you may use paypal or click on pay with a credit/debit card; you do not need a paypal account to use my site; and it is safe and secure.
The shipping and handling fee covers two costs: your credit card fee (charged to merchants for all credit and debit card uses) and emailing any paperwork and recordings of the workshop on mp3 files to you.
Footsteps through time... |
We have all lived before...
Past Life Workshop
Curious about who you were in a past life?
With this interactive workshop I will take you on a journey of exploration which will help you get in touch with your past life connections.
Even a skeptic will change their view of the possibility of reincarnation when you finish listening to this workshop and following the materials.
The exercises are easy; you don't need meditative agility or a writing degree to keep up.
When you are done you will be able to interpret the evidence you gather and connect it to specific past life experiences and present life personality affinities!
You can take the workshop at your own pace!
Fee $75
To read more about past lives click on the footsteps...scroll down the page.
Testimonials from Past Life Workshop:
"I loved this workshop! Through your discussion and question exercises you really opened a portal and fleshed out some themes I will continue to explore further on my own. It is like you have opened my eyes to the possibly of past life connection in present life times and from now on I will be more aware of these connection when things come up."
Thank you and with deep gratitude, Cal Workman
"Thank you so much for the workshop! I felt the written materials were an excellent and useful guide along with your commentary and associations. The material helped to reinforce my current ideas and illuminated some new directions for further exploration. I especially benefited from the opportunity to hear the experiences and stories you provided, such wisdom!"
Thank you, again, Genevieve Jacobs
The featured image at the top of this webpage is Mars. Mars rules a person's physical energy and the ability to take action when you want something. Wherever Mars is placed in your chart it determines whether it is easy or difficult to act on your needs and desires. To learn more contact me for a mini-Mars reading!