Night Sky Constellations are changed every month when the Sun enters a new Zodiac sign.
The constellation of Capricorn (December 21, 2024 ~ January 19, 2025)
Capricorn the Goat |
Capricorn the Goat |
Information about Leo constellation:
The stars of the night sky have been divided and mapped since ancient times. With this mapping the imaginative shapes and legends of the constellations were created.
This photos show Capricorn enlarged in their true colors, the main "naked eye" stars that make up the shape of the Goat.
For more information about the signs of the Zodiac
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The featured image (left corner): Extraterrestrial Fireworks Reminiscent of a fireworks celebration, this Hubble Space Telescope image of a cosmic explosion that is quite similar to fireworks on Earth. In the upper right corner of the image, the Small Magellanic Cloud is a delicate glowing structure ablaze in a multitude of lavenders and peach. Nearby, a massive star has exploded as a supernova and begun to dissipate its interior into a spectacular display of colorful filaments.
"The cosmos is a vast living body, of which we are still parts. The sun is a great heart whose tremors run through our smallest veins. The moon is a great nerve-center from which we quiver forever. Who knows the power that Saturn has over us, or Venus? But it is a vital power, rippling exquisitely through us all the time." D.H. Lawrence