Chakras |
Psychic Development Classes
New date to be announced soon!
Classes to be held on free conference call.com and
in person at my home in South Burlington, VT!
I will be teaching
Beginner to Intermediate Level Psychic Development Classes.
There are 13 classes in this series.
The focus of these classes will be to get completely in touch with yourself and your energy before addressing the energies of others. Since the word “psychic” means of the soul, psychic development is about developing a soul connection which opens the door to greater communion with yourself, your experiences (past and present), your own purpose and truth which enhances your understanding of others.
You will learn how to transcend your physical body: by experiencing the many facets of yourself, trance states, moving your energy within the body and outside the body, understanding the principles of energy, learning to ground your energy, and understanding the energy channels or chakras.
I will teach you how to regulate your energy patterns as it relates to your chakras, aura, consciousness levels, and your contractual agreement between body and soul.
From there you will learn to release self restricting energy patterns; such as: frozen or blocked internal energy, cracked or draining energy, masked energy, as well as addressing your belief patterns and those beliefs of other people whom you hold in greater esteem than yourself. Some childhood patterns will be discussed and released. During this time we will be doing many releases: of fear, guilt, inadequacy, and many other energy drains.
This clearing will give you the chance to create your own reality, beliefs and self realization, therefore, helping you discover your own true self, what you are responsible for; which creates self realization, self healing and truly connecting with your psychic skills.
From this point you will be ready to address the collective reality: understanding astral planes, experiencing astral projection and time travel.
We will then explore your relationship with others: your energy exchange and communication, resistance and affinity and merging auras and chakras, karma and contracts, and changing patterns.
From there we will move on to reading another's energy: understanding the ethics of reading another’s energy, programming, looking into the original essence of another, seeing your connection with them and giving a clairvoyant reading.
You will learn the art of healing another's energy: the ethics of healing, methods of healing and learning to give a healing.
It is not necessary to have a partner when reading or healing another. Whether you are attending this class in person or through free conference calling you do not need a partner when it comes to reading or healing another. You may use a photo or a mental image of someone or if you like you may invite someone into your space for these two classes (I will announce it in advance).
This is just a condensed explanation of the work we will be doing, there will be so much more and you will be actively experiencing these states as I guide you using 88 exercise techniques to get you there!
Keep in mind these classes will benefit everyone and you don’t need to have aspirations of becoming a professional psychic to attend.
For those of you who cannot physically attend these classes, this class will also be happening on free conference calls! This will have a major impact on those clients who have wanted to attend my classes and workshops in the past but couldn't. If you are thinking that your experiences will be limited if you can’t see me, just read this testimonial:
“Lydia, having had many sessions and readings with you in the past without the benefit of meeting or seeing you, prompted me to take this class because I felt that it would not impede what I could learn from you and in fact, there was less distraction and more focus as I listened to your voice and followed your guidance.”
It is unnecessary to purchase any books for this class, I will be exploring every aspect of psychic development and any printed information you will need will be emailed to you before each class and you can either download it onto your device or you can print it for the upcoming class.
There isn’t any homework, I will discuss each topic in depth and take you through guided exercises so that you can experience what I am teaching you. If you want to practice some of the exercises or study the material on your own, you are welcome to do so.
An example of how I will approach a topic: We will do in depth study of Chakras and then we will be doing several guided exercises to experience your Chakras, their energy and the state that they are in during class.
Rudolf Steiner believed in immersing oneself in the learning process and so do I. We can read, study, and discuss something but if we don't do it or experience it, it is just information.
If you have an interest in taking this class with me please let me know your intention!
The cost of this life changing experience is $314 equaling $24 per class.
I will need 2 Payments of $157.00 before the class begins; your first payment is due 3 weeks before the first class and the second payment is due on the day of the 1st class.
(Long distance students, will need to make their second payment with check or paypal the day before the 1st class).
You may use paypal to make two payments through my website or you may mail me a check: 24 Scotsdale Rd, South Burlington, VT 05403
Early birds who pre-register and prepay in full, will get a $35 discount on the classes and pay the low price of $279.00 (+PAYPAL fee of $10). You may also mail me a check for $279.00.
Classes will be approximately 90 minutes.
Class Schedule will be announced.
I will be accepting 10 students for in person attendance, conference call students have limitless attendance.
If you can't attend a class I will record the class for you and you will receive the audio download in your email box on the same day as the class.
You may miss 3 classes and receive 3 recordings.
This is not a correspondence course, your attendance whether in person or over the phone is necessary and appreciated by the other students and myself and adds to the experience.
If you have any questions or want more information please phone or email:
802-860-2995 or Lydia@astrologybylydia.com
These classes are very therapeutic as well as instructive. You will get in touch with many aspects of yourself, and you will also heal yourself in the process. With less baggage you can become your true self and have a very perceptive understanding of your needs and wants as well as the people who surround you.